Choose a Lighthouse Hub membership:

DAY PASS - workplace for the day
When the working day comes unexpectedly and "you need it here and now". Productive environment for just one day from 9:00 Iki 17:00 hours, without any obligations or contracts.

10X - 10x membership
For those who work on vacation or travel frequently - 10 times membership, 1 month. for the period.

FLEX - workplace for a month
A changing workplace in the co-working space, depending on the level of work ability: one day by the window, the next in the lounge area, stretched out on the sofa.

FIX - private desk for a month
Private desk and fixed workplace. You can make yourself at home here - place a stationary computer screen, a flower pot, a photo of your pet, etc.

TEAM - private office
A closed space with office furniture and large windows for an ambitious team, from 4 persons.

Virtual office
For those who want to register their office address and have a place for correspondence.